Days 5 and 6 retrospective

Hey everyone, sorry for not posting anything yesterday, the truth is I didn't even opened the project since I had other things to take care, but no worries because I've spent the day speeding up what I think is missing the most in the game which is VISUALS.

I've modeled and animated two enemies + made the rooms waaay bigger and better with modules that allow for a nice gameplay, instead of just small cramped rooms they actual feel more like playgrounds now.

Now...implementing everything is a lot of work, I'm starting to think that maybe it would have been better to make the art before trying out the code, but I really wanted to see if I could do something procedural in order to be eligible for the PROCJAM, so, yeah, it's a tradeoff.

I've tried to do some implementation today but I ran into lots of problems regarding the navmesh system and collisions, I also noticed that I'm going to have to heavily change some stuff in the enemy script in order to proper play animations in the animator.

So because I was already too tired to do that I decided to mess around with post-processing effects and shaders, I've found a really nice package with post-processing outline and cel shading by Nasty Old Wizard, and its free:

So I've slapped that in a scene I was using to test navmesh in the new level and it looked actually quite well, it has some visual bugs and weirdness but I believe I can tackle those around by messing with the parameters and stuff.

Anyway, really sorry for not having any gameplay for you guys I really spent the whole day modeling and animating, I hope I can implement everything tomorrow and have a really nice gameplay with pretty visuals and maybe some sfx too already.

Oh I also noticed that to me it makes more sense to write the devlog in the same day by night instead of the day after, specially for the jam so I can write the last devlog in the last jam's day, so I will keep with that from now on.


Pretty 20 MB
Dec 09, 2020

Get Bugbusters

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